Diego Pérez, Banco Jaguar, 2019. Paul Muguet, Modulación No.1, 2019.
“Nada existe si no a través de las manos” (Nothing exists if not through the hands) is a phrase taken from the Italian architect Gio Ponti (1891-1978), promoter of a modernism that will not forget manual labor at the expense of industrial production. In the same way, he defended a modernism that did not despise a sense of design and that was attentive to the conditions of the spaces where daily life takes place - houses, offices, etc. Ponti's phrase and some of these ideas are also the pretext to bring together the work of three artists - Omar Ibáñez, Paul Muguet and Diego Pérez. The three privilege in their production manual disciplines such as painting, carpentry, stone carving and construction. In the same way, they pay attention - in different ways - to the spaces of daily life in their research. Beyond this arbitrary reference to the Italian architect, the production of Ibáñez, Muguet and Pérez in this exhibition shares and extends some of the interests of modern artists regularly presented by RGR. In the work of these three Mexican artists, one can appreciate the interest in non-figurative solutions, perceptual research and an intention for the viewer to interact actively with their work.
Curator: Daniel Garza Usabiaga