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Magdalena Fernández @ Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes,  Buenos Aires

The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, from Buenos Aires presents the virtual collective exhibition Ideas for Monuments in Homage to Heroines and Unknown Heroes, organized by the artist and art theorist Luis Camnitzer. Through a call made on social networks, Camnitzer proposed to honor unknown heroes and heroines of society, calling into question the usual process of the election, financing and construction of official monuments.

The result brings together 47 works made by artists from different latitudes that respond in a unique way to the proposal launched, proposing various approaches on the subject. In this sense, Magdalena Fernández participates in the exhibition with the piece Monument to the Unknown Educator, in which, as its name indicates, it honor to those people who have dedicated their work to "enlighten" with each step others, to accompany them by means of reflection, to deliver their knowledge and share their ideas.

“A path - a support, a ground - that is illuminated step by step, or in which each step is an illumination, an encounter and a discovery, and is also the possibility of realizing the different powers of each man and of humanity all. The man who forms others, who gives his knowledge and shares his ideas, who accompanies them in the reflection and exploration of the world, is a small step of light in the realization of the possibilities of “being” of each individual." Magdalena Fernández